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Alle Infos und Bedingungen findet ihr unter http://comicstipendien.ch/
Es werden Stipendien in der Höhe von CHF 30'000 vergeben.
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Fumetto Competition 2020

© Picture: The Lonely Orbit/Team Tumult
Fumetto Comic Festival Lucerne annually publishes a competition. It should offer comic creators the opportunity to face an international comparison and present it to the general public.
Competition topic 2020
All is connected!
We connect us with other people, the clima is linked with the whole globe and for some of us, the heating at home is connected with the cellphone. How we do get connected – no matter if voluntarily or unavoidably – is still individual at the moment. But how is that in the future: what is the benefit of more networking, where does this lead us to? What is the advantage, what are the risks? How do we handle networking in the future?
Draw us your comic, that includes the topic «connected» in any form.
Sébastien Gnaedig, publisher Futuropolis
Johann Ulrich, publisher avant-Verlag
Eva Rust, Comic-Artist
Wazem, Comic-Artist
Franziska Burkhardt, Cultural Commissioner of the City of Bern
Terms and Conditions
Deadline: 4th of January 2020 (date of postmark)
Application: Register under fumetto.ch/wettbewerb, wait for an e-mail in which you find your user number, print the e-mail and enclose it in your application.
Format: A4 or A3 (other formats will be disqualified)
Form and number of pages: Only comics (stories in picture form), no entries via e-mail. Maximum 4 pages (only 1 comic story).
Labeling: Name, address, telephone number, e-mail, user number, date of birth and paging on the back of each page.
Packaging: Sturdy envelope, no rolls.
Send to
Fumetto Wettbewerb, Rössligasse 12, 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
Confirmation: Confirmation of participation will be sent by the end of January 2020. The works will be returned by the end of August 2020.
Return postage: For Swiss residents only: stamps or money in the value of the stamps needed. Foreigners: 15 Euro. If the return postage is not enclosed or not sufficient the works will not be sent back but kept for one year.
Thank you for your application. We will inform you in February with more details.
Cat. 1: 18 years or older
Cat. 2: 13 to 17 years
Cat. 3: up to 12 years of age Reference date is the deadline
Sign in with the registration form «Schools».
Enclose a list with names and details (see «Labeling») of the participating students and information about school, class, teacher, e-mail and telephone number.
Forty to fifty comics will be nomina- ted by the jury and shown in the exhibition during the festival, those not nominated will be shown in folders.
The Prizes
Fumetto will award three prizes in each category. There will also be a prize for the best scenario, regardless of the categories. The festival’s visitors will be able
to vote for the peoples choice award.
Fumetto assumes no liability in case the work sent to us is lost, or damaged. Fumetto acquires the using rights of all submitted works. In particular, Fumetto is entitled to use all submitted works, as well as parts of it, for journalistic coverage, selfpromotion and/or possibly for reproductions in publications or a touring exhibition. Unless the sender instructs otherwise, Fumetto is entitled to pass on the addresses of the comic creators.