
13.00–15.00The Futures of ComicsSymposium 


Symposium | Part 1

The digitalisation and making of books available online has an impact both on who reads them and how they are read. What is the significance of transplanting a private collection into an online archive? This raises questions about different forms of digital archiving, accessibility and copyright, and both the possibilities and the perils of web-based archives. In The Futures of Comics (s.S. XY) four experts and enthusiasts of the Ninth Art have been invited to bring samples from their own private libraries to Lucerne to digitalise over the course of the festival.

Guillaume Dumaura (FR), Kim Jooha (CA), Josh O’Neill (US), Aarthi Parthasarathy (IND), Francesc Ruiz (ES)

Introduction and Moderation: Ilan Manouach (founder and curator of The Futures of Comics, GR)

Collaboration: Illustration department, Lucerne College of Art and Design |

Language: English


16.00–18.00The evolution of independenceSymposium 

Part 2

For each comic star there are hundreds who don’t make it into the spotlight, and it’s not always a question of talent: marketing and presentation also play a huge role in the process. Swiss comic artists talk about their strategies and how they deal with the changing prospects and demands of a (post) digital age. Some use traditional distribution, others take on their own online-marketing; artists work solo or as a collective, engaging with their public in informal environments, and acquiring thousands of followers on social media. Following the symposium the Réseau BD Suisse invites guests to a reception for further discussion.

Rina Jost, Till Lauer, Jared Muralt, Thomas Ott, Barbara Seiler (, Tom Tirabosco, Daniel Wernli (Balsam)

Moderation: Johanna Lier (Lecturer in creative writing, journalist, CH)

Collaborators: Illustration department, Lucerne College for Art and / Réseau BD

Language: Swiss / German

Price: CHF 30 / with Fumetto-Pass and D&K-Alumni CHF 15 / Students (with Stundent IDI) are free






Die Eingabe für die Comic-Stipendien ist online.
Bis am 14. Februar 2020 könnt ihr eure Arbeiten bei den Städten Basel, Luzern und Zürich einreichen.

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Es werden Stipendien in der Höhe von CHF 30'000 vergeben.
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Vielen Dank an alle Mitzeichner*innen und an Christian Schnellmann für die Programmierung.

Als Amici unterstützen Sie den wichtigsten Comic-Anlass in der Schweiz und somit vor allem junge, innovative Comic-Kunst. Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Engagement mit einem einzigartigen Festivalerlebnis.

Firmen-Amici ab CHF 750.–
Super-Amici ab CHF 200.–
Amici ab CHF 100.–
Amici-Piccolo ab CHF 50.–

Informationen zu den einzelnen Kategorien und Anmeldung direkt hier

Festival 2020: 28. März bis 5. April

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